Friday, January 21, 2011

start of day

Baby Bro is sleeping through the night!!!  Yay  : )  Loving a full night sleep.  I have been waking up around 6:00am, wide awake and fully rested.  Did you hear that I said RESTED.  Ahh, it is glorious!

When I was pregos with Baby Bro, I was in the habit of getting up between 6 and 6:30 to do my quiet time.  It was so good to start my day in a quiet house, with a clear head ready to read my Bible and pray.  When B was first born and I was sleep deprived, overwhelmed and if I am honest, feeling a bit LAZY.  Even once he started sleeping through the night I was still not getting up on time.

It is so easy to talk myself into "just 5 more minutes" of sleep, then it ends up being 5 minutes and 5 more until 7am and H comes in to tell me it is time to get up. When I wait until 7am to get up, I have to jump out of bed and start sprinting for my marathon of a day.  If I get my quiet hour in the morning my marathon starts with a steady jog, which is a pace I can maintain for the day.  I need this time for me... so why do I so often let my lazy body get the best of me??   In order to get up by 6am, I have to be more disciplined to get into bed by 10:30.  Why is that so hard?

I have needed to get back into this discipline of starting my day an hour before the kids are up focused on what really matters. Oh, how much better the day seems to go when Mama has started the day with God.  I have been so blessed this year to be a part of Biblestudy that is really challenging me.  It is causing me to examine what different passages really say, verses that I have read (or skimmed) for years.  I am finally digging in, really trying to understand more.  Oh, how I long for growth in my walk, in my understanding of unconditional grace, growth in compassion and love for others.  Growth, grace, love and compassion not only in my walk, but as a mom.  I can't fully pour these virtues out until I let God pour into me, and how can that happen if I am not intentionally in the Word in prayer!

So where are you at? How do you find/ make the time to spend with God?  Are you intentionally spending time learning about your Creator?  Do you understand unconditional grace?  I challenge you that if you are struggling finding the time... get up early to MAKE the time!  It is a discipline you won't regret!

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