Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nesting, Part 2- school prep for H

You can find Nesting Part 1 here.

Besides getting ready for the baby and organizing the house...the other item high on my priority list is getting school stuff printed, laminated and all planned out for next year.  It may sound a tad ambitious, but I would love to have the majority of his school year planned, printed and ready to go.  

Here are my thoughts on next years schooling for H (Junior Kindergarten), and I would love feedback....
Areas of focus:
1.  Bible stories and memory verses
2.  Handwriting practice
3.  Reading
4.  Calendar, days of the week, months and holidays
5.  Weather

What else have you done with your kids, or did in your child do in school for preschoolers or junior kindergartners (as they call them in SoCal)?  What subjects/ topics have your kids loved the most?  Even if you are not a mom of a 4 or 5 year old yet, any ideas of what you have seen other kids do that they loved would be helpful : )

I love getting to homeschool H.  I am just a little worried that with 2 other kids under the age of 2 that I won't have time to "do it well."  So my prayer is that if I get a jump start on the prep work, that i will actually have time to do the activities and teaching times with him.  It just dawned on me that I should also be a little more pro-active in planning activities for Bug while H and I do school-time.  Whew, see all of this nesting really does have a trickle-down effect and I just keep adding to my to-do list!

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